Thursday, December 28, 2006

How to Embed a Picassa Slideshow in a Blog

I had the following problem, I had a bunch of pictures related to some article I wanted to post in my blog about Uruguay, but I didn´t want to embed the pictures directly, since they were too many of them.

Without thinking too much, the solutions I came up with were two. The first one, to create a video with a product like Photo Story, upload it in YouTube or Google Video, and then embed it in my blog. This one I discarded because I wanted to have the article published fast, and didn´t want to go through any wait for approval period. The second solution was to embed a slideshow of some web album directly in my blog post.

So I created a Picassa Web Album with all my pictures, and copied the generated url for my album´s slideshow (click the slideshow button, and copy the url).

Then I tried embeding the slideshow in my blog post with an iframe html tag. Something like this:

<iframe src="[Picassa Slideshow URL]" ></iframe>

It is possible to tune the dimensions of the embedded frame with the width, and height attributes of the iframe tag.


It looks something like this:

Not bad, right?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Hoy vi una presentación de Himalia. Parece que alguien se motivo y definio un DSL para la generacion de interfaces de usuario en base a modelos de navegacion, y casos de uso modelados con maquinas de estado.

Haciendo drag n drops, y agregando aristas entre nodos generaba nuevas entradas en un menu, por ejemplo. No me termino de quedar claro como ese tipo de cosas se podrian a cargar dinamicamente, por ejemplo cuando las opciones vienen de un servicio, o una base de datos.

Me parece un abordaje interesante, original, para una problemática muy compleja.

Le deseo la mejor de las suertes a Leo Vernazza, me parece que vale la pena que lo prueben.